Yes, you read right, I finally reached 1,000 page views and I couldn't have done it without your help. I would like to express my gratitude to all my readers, you've all made this journey enjoyable. As a token of my appreciation, I'd like to send one of you guys a box of my favorite hand tied flies. If you're interested, send me an email by the 12th and I'll draw a name at random. As for the recent lack of posts, I've had a really busy week at work so I haven't been able to post as much but it doesn't mean that I haven't been fishing. On Thursday, I snuck off to the Souhegan for half an hour and yesterday, I went up north for some natives (I'll talk about that in another post). Here is a brown trout I caught Thursday:
If you guys like the content on this page, tell your friends and family if fly fishing interests them. Without any advertisements or endorsements, the only way I can keep this page going is through word of mouth. Thanks again guys, from the bottom of my heart.
If you guys like the content on this page, tell your friends and family if fly fishing interests them. Without any advertisements or endorsements, the only way I can keep this page going is through word of mouth. Thanks again guys, from the bottom of my heart.
Congrats! FYI, I was wondering how you view Blogger vs. Wordpress? I started with the former and became frustrated and moved everything to Wordpress. In particular, the Blogger stats include traffic from spam bots, and Wordpress has quite a few free plugins that really help (Wordpress is open source).